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Privacy policy of ComCash

The ComCash exchange service respects and protects the privacy of its customers. In this Privacy Policy (‘Policy’) we explain how we treat the information we receive while providing you with access to our services. Please take some time to read this Privacy Policy carefully before using any of ComCash's services.

Document contents

1. What kind of information do we collect?

2. Why do we collect your personal information?

3. Legal basis for processing your personal information.

4. Transfer of personal information to other parties.

5. Personal information protection

6. Data storage

Changing Policy

The policy is presented in the most current version. Over time, ComCash may unilaterally make changes to the Policy, including bringing it into line with the latest changes in current legislation and judicial practice. All changes come into force from the moment they are published on this page, unless a different period is indicated in the text of the changes. We will make every effort to provide additional means of notifying users of changes to the Policy, but we ask that you regularly check the site for the most current version.

1. What kind of information do we collect?

Depending on the service you choose to use, we may collect the following types of information: email address, transaction logs, data collected through cookies and similar technologies.

We may collect information about your device, including, where available, your IP address, operating system, and browser type, for system administration, troubleshooting, and service improvement. This is statistical data about the browsing activities and patterns of our users and does not identify any individual.

Our site may also use cookies. This helps us analyze sessions on our services and allows us to provide a better product.

The user has the right to refuse the use of cookies or limit their use. In this case, we will only use cookies that are necessary for the site functionality (technical and session cookies).

2. Why do we collect your personal information?

We collect the minimum amount of personal data necessary, while maintaining your right to privacy.

By accepting this Privacy Policy, you authorize us to use your email address to contact you and convey proposals for further cooperation. You can always ask to stop transmitting emails from us. Please be aware that the email address you provide will not be used by ComCash for misleading purposes and will not be provided to third parties for marketing purposes.

We may also use your email address to provide customer support.

We process your technical information and cookies for statistical and analytical purposes in order to improve the level of service you receive on the ComCash website.

We do not use automated processing of personal data to make decisions that entail legal consequences for the subject of personal data or otherwise affect his rights and legitimate interests.

We guarantee that we never transfer Users’ personal data directly to get monetary compensation. ComCash will not share, sell, rent or lend any personal information to third parties.

3. Legal basis for processing your personal information.

Collectively, we rely on the following grounds for processing data:

  • Your explicit informed consent to the Personal Data Processing Policy, expressed through consent forms;

  • Our legal interest.

As a rule, we obtain your consent to process personal data in accordance with the Policy. Without obtaining such consent, we may terminate your access to the services or significantly limit the functionality of the services.

4. Transfer of personal information to other parties

ComCash does not collect or process personal data for identity verification. We do not perform AML verification activities or perform KYC requests.

ComCash may share your information with contracted third party providers who assist with certain parts of our business operations, such as: cryptocurrency exchange services, cryptocurrency buying and selling services.

We guarantee that all third parties are aware of our obligations under this Privacy Policy and our contractual terms prohibit them from sharing your personal information with anyone else. We may share your personal information with financial institutions with whom we partner to process payments you authorize.

5. Protection of personal information

We take the security of your data seriously.

This Policy is presented in the most current version. Over time, we may unilaterally make changes to the Policy, including to bring it into compliance with the latest changes in current legislation and judicial practice. All changes come into force from the moment they are published on this page, unless a different period is indicated in the text of the changes. ComCash will make every effort to provide additional means of notifying users of changes to the Policy, but please check regularly for the latest version yourself.

We will not allow third parties to contact you directly on unsolicited grounds regarding their own products or services. We do not sell, trade, or rent your personal identification information to others.

We use certain security measures to ensure the protection of your personal information. However, we cannot guarantee that these measures will stop anyone attempting to circumvent the privacy or security settings on our website through unintended and/or illegal activities.

We follow generally accepted standards to protect your information. In particular, we have taken at least the following measures:

  • We use encryption for all network connections over which data is transmitted;

  • We test our systems for vulnerabilities and security issues at least once every 12 months;

  • Access to confidential data is protected, for example using passwords;

  • Incident response processes are tested at least once every 12 months;

  • An automated system has been implemented for monitoring logs and other security events, as well as generating alerts about anomalous or security-related events.

Our employees and third parties are required to maintain the confidentiality of personal data when accessing your data.

We are constantly improving our data security systems and doing everything possible to prevent data leakage. In the event of such a leak, we take a responsibility to notify users of the incident as quickly as possible, and also make every effort to minimize the negative consequences.

6. Data storage

We will only retain your information for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Policy. We will also limit storage to only what is necessary to comply with legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce agreements.

If you request that we delete your personal information, we will comply with your request within two weeks by deleting the personal information to the extent permitted by applicable laws and regulations. Please note that some data may be retained for legal, regulatory or technical purposes.